Monday, January 01, 2007

In Like a Lamb.

Here it is, the 1st day of 2007. It's cool, but not cold. It's wet, but not snowy, and it's daylight, but rather grey. Yes this is about the most atypical weather I've ever seen in Detroit, Michigan on New Years Day (and NYE for that matter). I'm 31 years old and have spent almost every one of those years in Michigan for NYE. My only comparisons are the very few I spent in Arizona with family. This weather is VERY weird. Who says that there is no Global Warming??????

I'm a bit grumpy because I've spent the last 2 days partially laid up with a pulled muscle in my back. Ugh, back, shoulder, neck, all on the same side, all painfully tweaked! :( So, suffice it to say that my New Year's Eve was kinda dull.

Now, don't get me wrong, Paco was here, he had our cheap Champagne (Mmmm J. Roget), and our kiss at midnight. These were, of course, the important things.

Now, as for resolutions, I don't generally do them. I'm not a fan of making goals for the sake of making goals. If you've been reading this blog from the beginning, you know I'm not good at keeping up with arbitrary goals anyway. ;)

That being said, there are things that I would like to do this year. They are small goals that lead up to my major goals.
  1. Learn everything I can about the business. Since I'm going to be a partner by the end of the year, I need to know what I'm doing.
  2. Attend at least 3, maybe 4 professional seminars. (I have the first one scheduled for late January).
  3. Finish editing my house. I still have lots of things to go through that were left behind by my father and my grandparents. Stuff's gotta go, and I need to have a Garage Sale.
  4. Make some improvements to my home so that it will sell for the best possible price. Our Real Estate Agent, Tim, has given us some very useful suggestions.
  5. Increase my general level of exercise. I'm not going to say that I need to lose "x" number of pounds or be at the gym "x" number of days. I've learned I don't stick to those things. But, a more general increase in activity is welcome.
That's all for goals at the moment. I do have more, but good lord, I can't imagine you want to read all of that crap. ;)

Well, starting soon, Paco and I are going to start our own 'Blog together. We've discussed it, and decided that we will write it from the perspective of my cat. Yeah Yeah, I know, it sounds lame. But trust me, it will be funny. We anthropomorphize him all the time anyway. In fact, he has a running commentary on our lives, and "he's" quite funny. I'll post the link here when we decide where to host it. It might likely mean the end of this blog, but that's OK. You'll still be able to see what I'm up to through the cat's eyes.

So, Happy New Year! All the best to you and your family in this, FINALLY, Saddam-Free next trip around the Sun.

Ciao for now!

"You're a fabulous, wonderful individual. Anything you do is all right by me. And remember, I've known you longer than your daughter...can I take your car?"

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