Thursday, January 11, 2007

Brannigan, Begin Again!

Holding myself accountable to the blogosphere...I'm back to my workouts on the Treadclimber.
I'm starting slow and working my way up, only using the treadmill part and not the "climber" part of the machine for now.

33 Minutes
288 Calories
Level 0 (Treadmill setting, refers to #of "stairs" to climb).

Why am I starting this again? Well, see my previous post about NOT making New Years' resolutions.

Also, I recently saw my new Rheumatologist. He believes (hard to say for sure until tests come back) that I probably have early Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm 31 remember. Fortunately, x-rays show no bone or joint damage, yet. So, as we work toward designing a plan of attack, he adds to the list of things for me to do: #1 Lose Some Weight. #2 Wear GOOD shoes. #3 Come back in 3-4 weeks for test results.

Ok, I get it. My orthopedic, my internist and now my rheumatologist all telling me to get more active and / or to loose some weight. I was 223# the other day at the new doc's office (fully clothed and wearing shoes, and let's not forget that I'm 6'3" tall). My first big goal, weight-wise, is 215# over the next 3-4 weeks. It will make me happy if I weight in 7-10 pounds lighter at my follow up visit. Plus, I know my knees will be happier, and I'll HOPEFULLY drop this chronic yawning thing I have going.

This is NOT a resolution, but it is, hopefully, a(nother) beginning to a real lifestyle change. (Lol, right, we'll see)


So, Brannigan, we begin again!

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