Thursday, December 28, 2006

Oh Plur!

Oh boy. Did you ever see "The Stand?" I just finished it. I want those 6 hours of my life back! I do realize that its an old one. I do realize that I'm rather behind. But still, Mr. King kind of hurt me with this one (as in it was painful to watch). I expected so much more. I suppose I'll have to pin my hopes of holiday creepiness on BLACK CHRISTMAS.

See, the thing is, I'm more of a Zombie kind of guy as opposed to a slasher-flick type. Still, Christmas=GOOD, Blood and Gore = GOOD, Cheesy B-Movie acting = GOOD! When I was a kid, my sister and I would rent crappy horror movies for our BETA machine. We had a bit of a rating scale which we based on the number of times the "blood" looked recycled and used again. I have a feeling that BLACK CHRISTMAS will rate somewhere on this scale. If I can manage to get Paco to sit through a horror movie at all, let alone a slasher, I'll reveal the scale. :)

...We're coming to get you, Barbera...

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