Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Oh Me, Oh my! Househunting Makes me Want to Cry!

Seriously, is there any other voluntary activity more stressful than shopping for a new home? Well, I'm sure there is, but in my world, this is the pinnacle right now.

Seriously, I think Paco and I have seen 2....or....3...million homes at this point. It sux.

How can there be SOO much on the market AND be such an unbelievably high percentage of CRAP?

As I told Paco... "I expected this process to be hard. I did NOT expect it to be painful."

And hey...to all of you folks out there in Cyberlandville who move a lot (and I mean established adults, college students don't count for this one, sorry) how in the *%$@!*# do you do it? I mean, the stress is just ridiculous!

And, the other thing...How do people move across the country, into a home sight unseen? OMG!!!


"Yes! I'm smarter than a 5th Grader...DAMN IT!!!"



Anonymous said...

Moving so much has become a source of pride. Proud that we don't break anything. Proud that we have got moving down to a science. Proud that we're still not too old to schelp shit up and down stairs!

Emoly said...

Trust me, after all the times we moved, the last time being the WORST MOVE EVER, I wouldn't want to start doing this as a full time gig...