Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Well It's about time!

I'm shocked. I'm stunned. I'm ecstatic!

No beating around the bush! My sister has, finally, officially announced her engagement to her boyfriend of seven years! After all that time, and many protestations against the concept of marriage, they have announced their pending nuptials. The even will take place in roughly 1 year.

I'm loving this. My sister's fiancee is great. He's smart, funny, pleasant to look at and just generally a very cool guy. I'm very happy to have him joining our messed up little family. I'm happy that my sister has decided to make it official. I'm happy that my mom will have the opportunity to see one of her kids have a (somewhat) traditional ceremony (minus the church and white gown however). (remember, I'm gay, and I live in Michigan. Gay marriage is still illegal here and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future.)

My sister has asked me to stand up with her at the wedding. She's not going to have Maid of Honor. No, instead she is going to have a Man of Honor." No I'm not wearing a dress. No I'm not carrying a bouquet. And, as for the bachelorette party... she's not so sure yet. LOL Life sure can be interesting at times!

"Ensign. Set a course, bearing 3-1-2 MARK 0-8. ENGAGE!"


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