Friday, August 03, 2007

Fickle Internet

Sorry I haven't been around much this week. My cable internet service has been having problems.

I think it is a function of the heat. Really, I think some of the service boxes for the cable internet are frying in this 95+ Degree heat we've been having here in Detroit.

It's funny, I'll have my service for a few minutes in the morning (like right now) and within an hour or so it craps out for the rest of the day. It all makes me think of Rolling Blackouts from California that we heard so much about is recent years. Of course it makes no sense to intentionally have rolling blackouts for internet service... Eh whatever.

The home renovations are coming along. The current project is tearing up all the carpet in the front of the house to expose the hardwood floors. Ugh, PAIN IN THE BUTT! Because, of course, you have to pull up all the tackstrips and staples too. We're also working on a deadline of Aug 16. This is because my friend will be visiting on the 17th and he has offered to help run the big floor sander to finish those floors. RUSH RUSH RUSH! It already looks pretty good though.

"Oh just shut up and hit me already!"


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