I'm still sick. It sux. I'm calling off of work again today. I feel like a schmuck. I wanna go back to bed. :(
Why can't anyone come up with a REALLY capable web browser for the Palm Treo 650? Why does PocketPC get all the cool crap when Palm OS has been around forever and is, I'm told, very simple to program for, by comparison??
"Fire Baaad!"
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Sick and Twisted
Well, the ugly face of winter has finally decided to frown on Michigan. I'm not talking about the cold or the snow, those are facts of Michigan living. I'm talking about the gray, gloomy, cloudy, non-sunshiney days without end that we face here.
I can handle the cold. I can handle the snow. I can handle everyone forgetting how to drive, it's the serious lack of sunshine that gets me. I'm not the only one. Seasonal Affective Disorder (temporary increase in depression related to prolonged, reduced sunlight exposure) hits millions of us. Weeks without direct sunlight wreak havoc on our neurotransmitter activity. We get "down" or "blue" either automatically, or very easily. Yuck!
To top it off, it seems that I also tend to have immune problems that come with it as well. It seems that every year, in January, I get either a really bad cold, bronchitis or both. I have the cold now. I don't know if this is related to the sunlight as well, or if it is just coincidence, but I'll tell ya, it blows! (like my nose, EWWW!)
Speaking of things blowing...there has been a lot of talk in the past week or two about Presidential candidates. MY GOD!! Are we there again ALREADY? So far, I've heard the most about Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton announcing their possible White House bids. (Paco would toss his tacos if he saw this, but...) From what I've heard, I like them both. Granted, I don't know the full details about their political careers (I will be looking into those, however) but they both seem to be unique, strong, eager, energetic, clever, minority-mobilizing candidates. I suppose the next year will tell. Whatever the outcome, it will be REFRESHING to, FOR ONCE, actually have a CHOICE in candidates, rather than vote for the same guy with a different name. I WANT politicians who shake things up. I WANT politicians who aren't going to play "middle of the road" games (voters are MOTR, not the candidates). I WANT politicians who actually have views and opinions on things. I WANT LEADERS who will state their opinions rather than hide behind "exploratory committees" or "classified information." I WANT to KNOW where I stand with a candidate. Our last two presidential elections felt devoid of choice to me. This one already feels like choosing 1 scoop from Baskin Robbins' 31 tempting flavors.
Female President? You bet. Mixed-Race President? Sure, why not?! Republican President? Dear LORD not AGAIN!
"I feel like I've been wearing the same little, red dress forever!"
I can handle the cold. I can handle the snow. I can handle everyone forgetting how to drive, it's the serious lack of sunshine that gets me. I'm not the only one. Seasonal Affective Disorder (temporary increase in depression related to prolonged, reduced sunlight exposure) hits millions of us. Weeks without direct sunlight wreak havoc on our neurotransmitter activity. We get "down" or "blue" either automatically, or very easily. Yuck!
To top it off, it seems that I also tend to have immune problems that come with it as well. It seems that every year, in January, I get either a really bad cold, bronchitis or both. I have the cold now. I don't know if this is related to the sunlight as well, or if it is just coincidence, but I'll tell ya, it blows! (like my nose, EWWW!)
Speaking of things blowing...there has been a lot of talk in the past week or two about Presidential candidates. MY GOD!! Are we there again ALREADY? So far, I've heard the most about Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton announcing their possible White House bids. (Paco would toss his tacos if he saw this, but...) From what I've heard, I like them both. Granted, I don't know the full details about their political careers (I will be looking into those, however) but they both seem to be unique, strong, eager, energetic, clever, minority-mobilizing candidates. I suppose the next year will tell. Whatever the outcome, it will be REFRESHING to, FOR ONCE, actually have a CHOICE in candidates, rather than vote for the same guy with a different name. I WANT politicians who shake things up. I WANT politicians who aren't going to play "middle of the road" games (voters are MOTR, not the candidates). I WANT politicians who actually have views and opinions on things. I WANT LEADERS who will state their opinions rather than hide behind "exploratory committees" or "classified information." I WANT to KNOW where I stand with a candidate. Our last two presidential elections felt devoid of choice to me. This one already feels like choosing 1 scoop from Baskin Robbins' 31 tempting flavors.
Female President? You bet. Mixed-Race President? Sure, why not?! Republican President? Dear LORD not AGAIN!
"I feel like I've been wearing the same little, red dress forever!"
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Gateway, Get Away!
3 years ago, I helped my step-brother buy a laptop from Gateway. It has never been anything but a pain in his butt. It has been in and out of service so many times that I'm not sure how much of it is original machine.
It just so happens that it was recently damaged in a weird, pet-related accident. It was essentially destroyed. My step-brother wants to make a claim on his insurance to replace the laptop, which his policy covers nicely. The insurance company needs a full, as-purchased, configuration spec-sheet.
I figured that I could get this from Gateway's web page without incident. HO BOY was I wrong. Their site explains that this exact thing is available on the website, yet for the life of me I couldn't find it. I finally had to call. Can I please tell the ENTIRE WORLD that GATEWAY's customer support SUCKS BIG BLUE MONKEY C*CK! It took over 40 minutes on the phone (thank the heavens for Vonage) for the moron on the other end to tell me that this wasn't available on the website. When I read it to him, quoting the lines that specifically say otherwise, HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME and had to look for himself. Turns out that, in order to get an as-purchased spec sheet for a gateway product, it has to be less than 1 year old (not stated on the webpage, nor at the time of original purchase) to be provided online. Otherwise, they will charge a $15 fee to send it to you.
You can bet I raised HOLY HELL with them. $15.00 for something that I should have received anyway. $15.00 for a 1-2 page printout that would take them about 5 seconds to pull up on THEIR gateway computers (which I bet always work just fine). $15.00 for something that they ADVERTISE as being available on their website. Heck even $1.00 for this would be too much IMHO.
With enough complaining, I finally got them to agree to fax it to me at work, without charge. They told me that it would be there in " a couple of hours." This was 2 days ago and I still don't have the fax.
Need I say anything more? Jerks!!!!
"You know that when Angie Harmon swears, it's serious!"
It just so happens that it was recently damaged in a weird, pet-related accident. It was essentially destroyed. My step-brother wants to make a claim on his insurance to replace the laptop, which his policy covers nicely. The insurance company needs a full, as-purchased, configuration spec-sheet.
I figured that I could get this from Gateway's web page without incident. HO BOY was I wrong. Their site explains that this exact thing is available on the website, yet for the life of me I couldn't find it. I finally had to call. Can I please tell the ENTIRE WORLD that GATEWAY's customer support SUCKS BIG BLUE MONKEY C*CK! It took over 40 minutes on the phone (thank the heavens for Vonage) for the moron on the other end to tell me that this wasn't available on the website. When I read it to him, quoting the lines that specifically say otherwise, HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME and had to look for himself. Turns out that, in order to get an as-purchased spec sheet for a gateway product, it has to be less than 1 year old (not stated on the webpage, nor at the time of original purchase) to be provided online. Otherwise, they will charge a $15 fee to send it to you.
You can bet I raised HOLY HELL with them. $15.00 for something that I should have received anyway. $15.00 for a 1-2 page printout that would take them about 5 seconds to pull up on THEIR gateway computers (which I bet always work just fine). $15.00 for something that they ADVERTISE as being available on their website. Heck even $1.00 for this would be too much IMHO.
With enough complaining, I finally got them to agree to fax it to me at work, without charge. They told me that it would be there in " a couple of hours." This was 2 days ago and I still don't have the fax.
Need I say anything more? Jerks!!!!
"You know that when Angie Harmon swears, it's serious!"
Customer Service,
Ambient Analog
Hmmm, I just received a return call from Ambient Devices (see my post from January 10, 2007). Today is the 18th. So, it took them 8 days to respond to a tech support call for help. Granted, the guy I spoke with apologized for the delay. He explained that the Customer Service department is trying to work their way out of the Christmas Deluge. Ok, I can buy that. I mean, even the iTunes store crumbled under the weight of a gazillion tweens, teens and adults pigging-out on downloaded content at Christmas.
The sad part about all this is that my Ambient Stock Orb (configured for weather forecasting) seems to be working fine now. When I explained this to the customer service guy, who was very nice actually (a refreshing change from Gateway, about whom I will complain later), he told me that for about a month, they had to move offices. It seems that there was a fire of some sort in their building and they had only been back in their original building for about a week. The fire and the return seem to coincide neatly with the problems I had and their resolution.
I'll tell ya, it would have saved me a TON of grief had Ambient just posted a little update right on their login page explaining that they had a fire and that service may be unreliable for a little while. That would have been all I needed. I'm sure that the folks over at would have appreciated this cheap, grief-saving technique as well.
So, here's the lesson, and LISTEN UP AMBIENT DEVICES, you are positioned as an innovative technology service company. We tech-savvy users, the ones who actually buy and use your products, EXPECT to be kept up to date on things like this. We are PAYING for your service and believe that we are ENTITLED to know when that service isn't working, why it isn't working, and when it is expected to be fixed. Innovative tech firms need to utilize OTHER innovative technologies like the, now barely innovative, corporate consumer webpage.
Ambient makes really cool, clever products. But, take a lesson from MCI/WORLDCOM, cool and innovative products won't save your collective butts when your business is mismanaged or neglectful of its PAYING customers.
"Bring it on!" "Its already been brought-ed!"
The sad part about all this is that my Ambient Stock Orb (configured for weather forecasting) seems to be working fine now. When I explained this to the customer service guy, who was very nice actually (a refreshing change from Gateway, about whom I will complain later), he told me that for about a month, they had to move offices. It seems that there was a fire of some sort in their building and they had only been back in their original building for about a week. The fire and the return seem to coincide neatly with the problems I had and their resolution.
I'll tell ya, it would have saved me a TON of grief had Ambient just posted a little update right on their login page explaining that they had a fire and that service may be unreliable for a little while. That would have been all I needed. I'm sure that the folks over at would have appreciated this cheap, grief-saving technique as well.
So, here's the lesson, and LISTEN UP AMBIENT DEVICES, you are positioned as an innovative technology service company. We tech-savvy users, the ones who actually buy and use your products, EXPECT to be kept up to date on things like this. We are PAYING for your service and believe that we are ENTITLED to know when that service isn't working, why it isn't working, and when it is expected to be fixed. Innovative tech firms need to utilize OTHER innovative technologies like the, now barely innovative, corporate consumer webpage.
Ambient makes really cool, clever products. But, take a lesson from MCI/WORLDCOM, cool and innovative products won't save your collective butts when your business is mismanaged or neglectful of its PAYING customers.
"Bring it on!" "Its already been brought-ed!"
Ambient Devices,
Consumer Loyalty,
Customer Service,
Stock Orb
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Brannigan, Begin Again!
Holding myself accountable to the blogosphere...I'm back to my workouts on the Treadclimber.
I'm starting slow and working my way up, only using the treadmill part and not the "climber" part of the machine for now.
33 Minutes
288 Calories
Level 0 (Treadmill setting, refers to #of "stairs" to climb).
Why am I starting this again? Well, see my previous post about NOT making New Years' resolutions.
Also, I recently saw my new Rheumatologist. He believes (hard to say for sure until tests come back) that I probably have early Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm 31 remember. Fortunately, x-rays show no bone or joint damage, yet. So, as we work toward designing a plan of attack, he adds to the list of things for me to do: #1 Lose Some Weight. #2 Wear GOOD shoes. #3 Come back in 3-4 weeks for test results.
Ok, I get it. My orthopedic, my internist and now my rheumatologist all telling me to get more active and / or to loose some weight. I was 223# the other day at the new doc's office (fully clothed and wearing shoes, and let's not forget that I'm 6'3" tall). My first big goal, weight-wise, is 215# over the next 3-4 weeks. It will make me happy if I weight in 7-10 pounds lighter at my follow up visit. Plus, I know my knees will be happier, and I'll HOPEFULLY drop this chronic yawning thing I have going.
This is NOT a resolution, but it is, hopefully, a(nother) beginning to a real lifestyle change. (Lol, right, we'll see)
So, Brannigan, we begin again!
I'm starting slow and working my way up, only using the treadmill part and not the "climber" part of the machine for now.
33 Minutes
288 Calories
Level 0 (Treadmill setting, refers to #of "stairs" to climb).
Why am I starting this again? Well, see my previous post about NOT making New Years' resolutions.
Also, I recently saw my new Rheumatologist. He believes (hard to say for sure until tests come back) that I probably have early Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm 31 remember. Fortunately, x-rays show no bone or joint damage, yet. So, as we work toward designing a plan of attack, he adds to the list of things for me to do: #1 Lose Some Weight. #2 Wear GOOD shoes. #3 Come back in 3-4 weeks for test results.
Ok, I get it. My orthopedic, my internist and now my rheumatologist all telling me to get more active and / or to loose some weight. I was 223# the other day at the new doc's office (fully clothed and wearing shoes, and let's not forget that I'm 6'3" tall). My first big goal, weight-wise, is 215# over the next 3-4 weeks. It will make me happy if I weight in 7-10 pounds lighter at my follow up visit. Plus, I know my knees will be happier, and I'll HOPEFULLY drop this chronic yawning thing I have going.
This is NOT a resolution, but it is, hopefully, a(nother) beginning to a real lifestyle change. (Lol, right, we'll see)
So, Brannigan, we begin again!
not Resolution,
Weight Loss,
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Ambient Devices' Ambient Attention.
If you know what an "Ambient Device" is (as made by then you know that they are supposed to be pretty cool things.
My Ambient Orb, however, has not been cooperating lately. It powers on, sees the network and will sync up to the data channel...but for some reason, it is not receiving regular updates. For example, right at this moment, it is snowing outside. (Seems that winter finally found Michigan) However, my orb is not "pulsing" like it is supposed to when there is precipitation. Ugh.
Could something else PLEASAE go wrong, or break, or fail to work in the first place? GEEZE!!!
My Ambient Orb, however, has not been cooperating lately. It powers on, sees the network and will sync up to the data channel...but for some reason, it is not receiving regular updates. For example, right at this moment, it is snowing outside. (Seems that winter finally found Michigan) However, my orb is not "pulsing" like it is supposed to when there is precipitation. Ugh.
Could something else PLEASAE go wrong, or break, or fail to work in the first place? GEEZE!!!
Friday, January 05, 2007
CompCare or CrapCare?
If you work in the Mental Health Services field, you know what a pain in the rear it is to get authorizations for treatment from Managed Care Providers / Health Plan Management Companies. Filling out an OTR / CDF form can REALLY suck. I've had to do them for Value Options, HAP, UMH, and now CompCare.
First, let me give credit where it is due: The CompCare form is blessedly short (1 page compared to HAP's 3-page, redundant & overblown form). However, I'm really rather ticked that they even USE a form like this. I mean, it takes time to fill one of these out, regardless of whether or not you know it has to be done. Additionally, CompCare pays the LEAST amount for services out of ALL the managed Care Companies that we deal with, LESS than HALF of the highest payer. Add to that the fact that most MH providers work on a contract basis (we get a percentage of what is collected for services, usually between 40%-55% depending on the contract where we work), and we're dealing with a situation where I might make $33 (Pre-Tax) on one of these sessions. ALSO, I have to call in every 5 sessions or so, fill out and send in this form, leave a voicemail for a "representative" to call me back, AND they ONLY return calls for 3 hours in the morning. ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?
ALL these hoops they make us jump through, while paying less and less (relatively speaking) every year for the same MENTAL HEALTH services. I'll tell ya, I only have my CompCare clients because their insurance switched midway through their treatment. I WON'T be taking any more clients who use CompCare. I'm sorry, it just isn't worth the hassle for the pittance they pay.
I'll talk crap about HAP all day long, their 3 page CDF form is just dumb. They do not provide an electronic form, meaning they really kind of expect us to hand write the whole thing, and there is redundant information requested on it (how this keeps costs down is beyond me). However, they pay reasonably well. Yes, they ask A LOT of us, but they do pay accordingly. I can live with that.
CompCare, you are CrapCare. I hope you go out of business, get the bejeezus sued out of you, AND end up in a "Corporate Accounting Scandal."
"It was a MONUMENTAL, BLOODY, BUGGERY cock-up of GLOBAL proportions!"
First, let me give credit where it is due: The CompCare form is blessedly short (1 page compared to HAP's 3-page, redundant & overblown form). However, I'm really rather ticked that they even USE a form like this. I mean, it takes time to fill one of these out, regardless of whether or not you know it has to be done. Additionally, CompCare pays the LEAST amount for services out of ALL the managed Care Companies that we deal with, LESS than HALF of the highest payer. Add to that the fact that most MH providers work on a contract basis (we get a percentage of what is collected for services, usually between 40%-55% depending on the contract where we work), and we're dealing with a situation where I might make $33 (Pre-Tax) on one of these sessions. ALSO, I have to call in every 5 sessions or so, fill out and send in this form, leave a voicemail for a "representative" to call me back, AND they ONLY return calls for 3 hours in the morning. ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?
ALL these hoops they make us jump through, while paying less and less (relatively speaking) every year for the same MENTAL HEALTH services. I'll tell ya, I only have my CompCare clients because their insurance switched midway through their treatment. I WON'T be taking any more clients who use CompCare. I'm sorry, it just isn't worth the hassle for the pittance they pay.
I'll talk crap about HAP all day long, their 3 page CDF form is just dumb. They do not provide an electronic form, meaning they really kind of expect us to hand write the whole thing, and there is redundant information requested on it (how this keeps costs down is beyond me). However, they pay reasonably well. Yes, they ask A LOT of us, but they do pay accordingly. I can live with that.
CompCare, you are CrapCare. I hope you go out of business, get the bejeezus sued out of you, AND end up in a "Corporate Accounting Scandal."
"It was a MONUMENTAL, BLOODY, BUGGERY cock-up of GLOBAL proportions!"
Behavioral Health,
Managed Care,
Mental Health,
OTR Form,
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Bluetooth Sweet-Tooth
All right, here's the deal. I've been looking for a GOOD, bluetooth keyboard and mouse set for almost a year now. For the most part, Logitech and Microsoft had the only offerings. I did my research and found that most people who dared to comment weren't happy with the Logitech offerings, and I have no desire for the split-keyboard or mushy key-feel of the Microsoft offerings. Also, there were the issues of PRICES!!! HOLY EXPENSIVE BATMAN!
I finally found a decent offering from Dell (Yes, Dell). The Dell Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Bundle ($89.00 at got me kind of I had it listed on my gift list registry for Xmas, but no one took the hint. So, after Christmas, I decided to buy it for myself.
I've been using the set for about 2 days so far. I'm actually pretty pleased. I'm using the set at work, paired to my Fujitsu Lifebook P1510D. Let me tell you that any keyboard and/or mouse is going to get a workout in this setting. The keyboard is substantial, and has a really good feel to it. I think the typing feel is even better than the wired Dell keyboards that I have used in the past (and which I like very much). The mouse feels a little odd, but I think that I'm just adjusting to a full-size mouse from a mini-travel mouse.
The mouse paired to the laptop's built-in bluetooth like a dream, it worked right, the first time, and with no hassle. The keyboard complained a little, but after a few attempts I finally got it working.
When folks talk about bluetooth mice and keyboards, there is always a discussion about LAG time. Yes, both of these products (or 1 product if you consider the set a single product) utilize a "sleep mode" so that your batteries (2 in each, size AA, duracell brand included) don't die prematurely. When you move the mouse at all, it snaps out of sleep mode and jumps right to work. I'd estimate that it takes less than a second. They keyboard take about a second and a half (but will still send your keystrokes when it wakes up...NICE). Once that is passed, you're working along like nothing ever happened. It is a very small annoyance, but one that is acceptable, considering the battery issues.
For the price, feel, usability, features, and even the aesthetic style, I'm a very happy camper. I didn't install the CD that came with the set at all. Yet, somehow, all the special features on the keyboard and mouse work fine. Hmmmmm. Also, I didn't install the USB bluetooth adapter that came with the set. The WHOLE POINT of buying a bluetooth set up was so that I didn't have to plug anything else into the laptop. If I'm plugging and unplugging all the time, USB would be fine.
So, Now I have the bluetooth keyboard and mouse that I wanted. I like how they feel and respond. I'm mostly pleased with the ease of installation. I'm not happy that the PIN for the mouse wasn't listed anywhere in the documentation (at least not that I saw), but I took a wild guess, and the Bluetooth Pairing Pin for the mouse is "0000" just like some other peripherals I've used. The keyboard automatically generates a new one each time you try and pair it.
If you've been looking for a bluetooth keyboard and mouse set, take it from a VERY picky consumer, the Dell offering is a good buy, and I HIGHLY recommend it.
"How many licks does it take to get to the center of Tootsie-Roll Pop? 1...2...3...THREE!"
I finally found a decent offering from Dell (Yes, Dell). The Dell Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Bundle ($89.00 at got me kind of I had it listed on my gift list registry for Xmas, but no one took the hint. So, after Christmas, I decided to buy it for myself.
I've been using the set for about 2 days so far. I'm actually pretty pleased. I'm using the set at work, paired to my Fujitsu Lifebook P1510D. Let me tell you that any keyboard and/or mouse is going to get a workout in this setting. The keyboard is substantial, and has a really good feel to it. I think the typing feel is even better than the wired Dell keyboards that I have used in the past (and which I like very much). The mouse feels a little odd, but I think that I'm just adjusting to a full-size mouse from a mini-travel mouse.
The mouse paired to the laptop's built-in bluetooth like a dream, it worked right, the first time, and with no hassle. The keyboard complained a little, but after a few attempts I finally got it working.
When folks talk about bluetooth mice and keyboards, there is always a discussion about LAG time. Yes, both of these products (or 1 product if you consider the set a single product) utilize a "sleep mode" so that your batteries (2 in each, size AA, duracell brand included) don't die prematurely. When you move the mouse at all, it snaps out of sleep mode and jumps right to work. I'd estimate that it takes less than a second. They keyboard take about a second and a half (but will still send your keystrokes when it wakes up...NICE). Once that is passed, you're working along like nothing ever happened. It is a very small annoyance, but one that is acceptable, considering the battery issues.
For the price, feel, usability, features, and even the aesthetic style, I'm a very happy camper. I didn't install the CD that came with the set at all. Yet, somehow, all the special features on the keyboard and mouse work fine. Hmmmmm. Also, I didn't install the USB bluetooth adapter that came with the set. The WHOLE POINT of buying a bluetooth set up was so that I didn't have to plug anything else into the laptop. If I'm plugging and unplugging all the time, USB would be fine.
So, Now I have the bluetooth keyboard and mouse that I wanted. I like how they feel and respond. I'm mostly pleased with the ease of installation. I'm not happy that the PIN for the mouse wasn't listed anywhere in the documentation (at least not that I saw), but I took a wild guess, and the Bluetooth Pairing Pin for the mouse is "0000" just like some other peripherals I've used. The keyboard automatically generates a new one each time you try and pair it.
If you've been looking for a bluetooth keyboard and mouse set, take it from a VERY picky consumer, the Dell offering is a good buy, and I HIGHLY recommend it.
"How many licks does it take to get to the center of Tootsie-Roll Pop? 1...2...3...THREE!"
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Back to the Grind
Ugh. Is there anything worse than returning to work after a holiday break?
Even more strange is that I have to work today, and Paco doesn't, he took an extra day off. :(
I guess the upside is that I will be receiving my Christmas presents to myself at the office today. :) Paco yells at me for buying myself things near a holiday. I get it. So I waited until after to buy myself some much needed computer stuff for the office. I didn't plan for the stuff to get there on my first day back, but it sure helped to get my butt outta bed. :)
My whole body feels like I've been beaten with a 2x4. Ok, it's not that bad, really, I'm just still sore with the back thing. Another day or so and I'll be all good. I just felt like whining.
Clearly I have nothing interesting to say this morning, so I'll cut it short.
Even more strange is that I have to work today, and Paco doesn't, he took an extra day off. :(
I guess the upside is that I will be receiving my Christmas presents to myself at the office today. :) Paco yells at me for buying myself things near a holiday. I get it. So I waited until after to buy myself some much needed computer stuff for the office. I didn't plan for the stuff to get there on my first day back, but it sure helped to get my butt outta bed. :)
My whole body feels like I've been beaten with a 2x4. Ok, it's not that bad, really, I'm just still sore with the back thing. Another day or so and I'll be all good. I just felt like whining.
Clearly I have nothing interesting to say this morning, so I'll cut it short.
Monday, January 01, 2007
In Like a Lamb.
Here it is, the 1st day of 2007. It's cool, but not cold. It's wet, but not snowy, and it's daylight, but rather grey. Yes this is about the most atypical weather I've ever seen in Detroit, Michigan on New Years Day (and NYE for that matter). I'm 31 years old and have spent almost every one of those years in Michigan for NYE. My only comparisons are the very few I spent in Arizona with family. This weather is VERY weird. Who says that there is no Global Warming??????
I'm a bit grumpy because I've spent the last 2 days partially laid up with a pulled muscle in my back. Ugh, back, shoulder, neck, all on the same side, all painfully tweaked! :( So, suffice it to say that my New Year's Eve was kinda dull.
Now, don't get me wrong, Paco was here, he had our cheap Champagne (Mmmm J. Roget), and our kiss at midnight. These were, of course, the important things.
Now, as for resolutions, I don't generally do them. I'm not a fan of making goals for the sake of making goals. If you've been reading this blog from the beginning, you know I'm not good at keeping up with arbitrary goals anyway. ;)
That being said, there are things that I would like to do this year. They are small goals that lead up to my major goals.
Well, starting soon, Paco and I are going to start our own 'Blog together. We've discussed it, and decided that we will write it from the perspective of my cat. Yeah Yeah, I know, it sounds lame. But trust me, it will be funny. We anthropomorphize him all the time anyway. In fact, he has a running commentary on our lives, and "he's" quite funny. I'll post the link here when we decide where to host it. It might likely mean the end of this blog, but that's OK. You'll still be able to see what I'm up to through the cat's eyes.
So, Happy New Year! All the best to you and your family in this, FINALLY, Saddam-Free next trip around the Sun.
Ciao for now!
"You're a fabulous, wonderful individual. Anything you do is all right by me. And remember, I've known you longer than your daughter...can I take your car?"
I'm a bit grumpy because I've spent the last 2 days partially laid up with a pulled muscle in my back. Ugh, back, shoulder, neck, all on the same side, all painfully tweaked! :( So, suffice it to say that my New Year's Eve was kinda dull.
Now, don't get me wrong, Paco was here, he had our cheap Champagne (Mmmm J. Roget), and our kiss at midnight. These were, of course, the important things.
Now, as for resolutions, I don't generally do them. I'm not a fan of making goals for the sake of making goals. If you've been reading this blog from the beginning, you know I'm not good at keeping up with arbitrary goals anyway. ;)
That being said, there are things that I would like to do this year. They are small goals that lead up to my major goals.
- Learn everything I can about the business. Since I'm going to be a partner by the end of the year, I need to know what I'm doing.
- Attend at least 3, maybe 4 professional seminars. (I have the first one scheduled for late January).
- Finish editing my house. I still have lots of things to go through that were left behind by my father and my grandparents. Stuff's gotta go, and I need to have a Garage Sale.
- Make some improvements to my home so that it will sell for the best possible price. Our Real Estate Agent, Tim, has given us some very useful suggestions.
- Increase my general level of exercise. I'm not going to say that I need to lose "x" number of pounds or be at the gym "x" number of days. I've learned I don't stick to those things. But, a more general increase in activity is welcome.
Well, starting soon, Paco and I are going to start our own 'Blog together. We've discussed it, and decided that we will write it from the perspective of my cat. Yeah Yeah, I know, it sounds lame. But trust me, it will be funny. We anthropomorphize him all the time anyway. In fact, he has a running commentary on our lives, and "he's" quite funny. I'll post the link here when we decide where to host it. It might likely mean the end of this blog, but that's OK. You'll still be able to see what I'm up to through the cat's eyes.
So, Happy New Year! All the best to you and your family in this, FINALLY, Saddam-Free next trip around the Sun.
Ciao for now!
"You're a fabulous, wonderful individual. Anything you do is all right by me. And remember, I've known you longer than your daughter...can I take your car?"
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