Saturday, December 01, 2007

Oh you gotta be kidding me!

OMG I can't believe it's been this long since I last posted!

So much has happened since then.

Paco and I got moved into the new place. We are in the Gay Mecca of Michigan and both far too busy to enjoy it. LOL

I'm busting my ass at work, trying to get this partnership thing going. OH RIGHT, now we are working on me taking over the whole thing. This speeds up the time line by about 5 years, but here we are. Should know in a week or two if it can happen this way.

Well, as I sit here and type, SE Michigan is getting hit with the first real snow of the year. It's kind of sad in a way...the end of nice weather. But in all honesty, it's the 1st of December and this is our first real snow...can't complain all that much.

Well, in any case, I'm back. Here's hoping I can keep up a little better.........again.

"Have you ever had anyone sing the National Anthem into your ass before?"


P.S. See the movie SHORTBUS!!!