I'll tell you it's awful. I FEEL like I haven't had any sleep in at least a week. I have dark circles around the bottom HALF of each of my eyes, my eyes themselves burn and tingle a little, I have a near constant, very dull headache, and I'm continuously, mildly nauseated. I feel very sensitive to temperature and light changes, am rather irritable and have few patience.
This is a form of torture (no really, it is, look up sleep deprivation & brainwashing techniques).
What's even worse is when the people in your life are COMPLETELY insensitive to what you are going through. I know it isn't really their FAULT. Chances are, most of these people haven't experienced this level of insomnia themselves. They have NO IDEA how bad it is.
Now, I feel pretty confident that I know where mine is coming from. I have WAAAAYYYY too many things going on right now...
- Work is very busy (and let's not forget the paperwork that goes along with it).
- I have extra duties right now while the boss is out of town.
- Taxes are coming up and I'm a procrastinator (probably related to this whole sleep thing).
- I have household things to do like laundry, vacuuming, trash, keeping up with the cat's needs, dishes, grocery shopping etc...
- I'm terribly worried about my abilities when it comes to taking the GRE.
- Likewise I'm terribly worried about getting into a PhD program in time to finish before I'm 40.
- I'm feeling a LOT of pressure to get my house packed up (and trust me this is a HUGE job).
- Paco is pissed at me because I'm not attending to things he has designated as top priority.
- I'm pissed at Paco because I feel like he is being incredibly insensitive (and I'm just plain irritable and sensitive myself...see above). It doesn't help that he knows about my sleep problems and just doesn't understand.
- I don't understand why when Paco wants express himself he seems to automatically jump to an adversarial position. I find myself just trying to make him happy, please him, ease his worries...all the while my own are mounting exponentially. I DESPISE walking eggshells. I understand that I haven't been as responsive as perhaps I should be lately...but good God, I really feel like I don't have the ability at the moment. ALL of my empathy is going to the people who pay for it...my clients. I just don't have anything else left right now.
I'm a zombie who has to DRAG himself out of bed and to the office each day. I just want to cry (but I can't really do that either right now...too numb from the bad sleep).
Out of necessity, I have decided to take next week off of work. I really don't have any other choice. It's going to hurt financially, but, I NEED to clear up this sleep thing and I NEED to make some progress on the house that Paco can SEE. I want to make him but happy, but lately it seems that I can do nothing right.